

Noah Osarenren is a Berlin based multidisciplinary Digital Artist specialised on 3D-Design & Characters. Through futuristic and otherworldly imagery they aim to display the alien perceptual nature as the „other“. Often using various reference points like their Nigerian-German background and queerness, they conjure fantastical worlds and characters.


Hi my name is Noah Osarenren and I am a freelance 3D-artist, character designer and animator living in Berlin, Germany.
Ever since I can remember, I've had a passion for drawing and creating other worlds and characters. My first means of capturing my imagination was drawing, but after studying Game Design at the HTW in Berlin and completing Game Bachelor of Arts, I started to learn and use 3D software. Since then I love to use my different creative skills in my 3D art, keep growing and to work across both 2D and 3D mediums.

So let's work together!

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