Conceal or Reveal !
Team members: Caspar Schirdewahn, Marie Günther, Vincent Freyer, Yannick Pawils, Noah Osarenren
Team members: Caspar Schirdewahn, Marie Günther, Vincent Freyer, Yannick Pawils, Noah Osarenren
My Task Visual Development, Production Design, UI Design
Working period: April 2018 - July 2018, ca. 4 months
Cloaked is a competitive, asymmetrical Online Multiplayer for two players.
Both players try to detect and eliminate the other player, the way they experience the game differs entirely though.While one player adopts the role of a Real-Time-Strategy-Player trying to track down their opponent with their units, the Stealth-Player secretly embodies one of his lackeys.
RTS-Payer: Find the Stealth-Player ! Stealth-Player: Hide from the RTS-Player & find their Main Frame Unit !
This game was my main project of my 6.semester of my Game Design studies.
I worked in a group with five of my fellow Game Design students of the HTW and was mainly responsible for the overall Visual Development and UI-Design.
To decide on a setting for our game we created several Fake Screenshots & Overpaints. In the end we chose to combine classic Brutalsim architecture with a flashy Neon-Cyberpunk aesthetic to represent the ingame regime.
The infoboards are an important aspect of the gameplay, their design should similarily reflect the regime of the allseeing RTS-Player. With the holographic and very modular composition we wanted to evoke a futuristic as well as interactive feel of the posters.
The design of the hacked posters needed to be similair to the default but contrasting enough to show that it is now claimed by the opposing player.
Drone Ideation
Final Design & Color Concepts
Crosshair & Cursor Concepts
Stealth Player HUD Prototype Concepts
Color Schemes for the respective Players
Team Members:
Caspar Schirdewahn
Coding, Game Design
Marie Günther
Coding, Game System Design, UI/UX Implementation
Sebastian Schneider
3D Modelling, Texturing, Shader
Vincent Freyer
Coding, Level Design, Game Design
Yannick Pawils
Coding, Sound, FX, Game System Design
Noah Osarenren
Visual Development,Production Design, UI Design